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About me


Casino Streamer

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  • BORN 1988
  • Highest Win - - on 

How I Became a Streamer?

It was 2016 and the casino streaming scene was a cozy and intimate space for all the fans of video slots. There were only a couple of casino streamers (now legends that are still actively streaming) who welcomed me with open arms and encouraged me to pursue my passion.

Not gonna lie, it was like shooting in the dark. There was no certain, secure way of doing this that would guarantee success. All I knew was - I love playing slots and maybe, just MAYBE, this might work out. It wasn’t always easy but with the casino streaming community on my side supporting me, I dived into the world of casino streaming and never looked back. After all, what’s the worst thing that could happen?! I could fail but then again - I’m a gambler and RISK is part of my gameplay! So, I took my shot and hoped for the best.

Roshtein playing Book of Dead

Looking back, not knowing was probably a blessing in disguise. Although it was nerve wracking in the first months, starting from scratch in the field that’s pretty new and unexplored also gave me the freedom to be more creative, to take the chances, test the limits, and grow as a person, a gambler, and a streamer. I did it MY WAY and that’s all that matters in a grand scheme of things.

First Casino Streaming Steps

I was still living back in Sweden when I started streaming playing slots. During the first year of streaming, my studio was my bedroom. I love going back to those videos from time to time, they always bring a smile to my face. There is a certain innocence about them and the question “Who would have thought?!” starts ringing in my head.

Roshtein playing slot

Today many would say that I was doing the right thing at the right place and at the right time. And they are right but I didn’t know it back then. That first year was full of doubts. When you start a streaming session and only a handful of people are there to watch you play - that’s anything but encouraging! There were moments when I thought of giving up and focusing on a more legit career path. However, the passion for playing slots and people who tuned in to watch me spin the reels is what kept my hope of success alive during these doubtful moments.

Building The Community

Sometimes I think that the first 2 years of my streaming career were a preparation for what’s about to come. It was like a test drive but after all the ups and downs, my moment was finally here!

The channel took off like a rocket ship! People started flocking in, joining the streams, talking in chat, and having fun. And that’s the most satisfying and enjoyable part of my casino streaming career - the community! Over the years we were able to build a strong and loving community of casino streaming, slot-playing fans.

Building The Community

People in the community are what made this journey fun and I’m eternally grateful for each and every single one of them! They were there for the record breaking wins, sharing my happiness and celebrating with me, but they were also there during those darker moments when I was taking serious balance hits, suffering one loss after another.

Casino streaming can be kinda solitary business and the number of hours I spend streaming can be quite long! My daily working schedule with at least 10 hours live might seem crazy to some. I heard some people comparing me to a robot. I rarely have a day off or go on a vacation. But that’s what happens when you do what you love, right?!

Roshtein giving an interview

I love spending my time streaming slots and chatting with people from all over the world who join me every single day. My hard work, passion, and dedication are rewarded with loyal followers and unforgettable streaming moments. No one ever said that being a successful streamer is easy work but it pays off in more ways than one.

Having the support of the dedicated community means a lot. So, I try to get back to my TROOPS in all the ways I can and reward their loyalty. Usually, that gratitude is expressed through my daily on-stream raffles and from time to time there are massive giveaways with thrilling prizes.

Record-Breaking Wins

Sometimes I think I was born under a lucky star! The logic and words betray me when I want to describe what has happened since 2016 onwards. So many great moments!

Roshtein big win

Still, the amazing wins are usually what stays in people’s memory the longest. After all, who can forget the amazing $16 million win on a Wanted Dead or a Wild slot?! Or a $5 million win on a Tasty Treats slot?! That’s what I call - KLEEN!!!

Those moments when reels align in a perfect order and symbols click in just the right positions - those are the moments I live for! The excitement, the rush of blood to the head, and the sizzling energetic pulses that travel through my body - nothing can match that! And that’s why I do what I do!

We're not done

I’ve been doing this for many years! And I have no plans of stopping any time soon!

Brace yourself! This journey has just begun! Ahead of us are new thrilling streaming moments with even bigger wins, greater raffles and giveaways, amazing bonus hunts and openings, and powerful tournaments. So, get ready to open your goddamn satchels!!!